CDI combines our decades of experience with our immense knowledge of the technical contractual and regulatory requirements to help clients understand those risks and develop a winning strategy with a workable risk mitigation plan.
Learn MoreStructure business systems like purchasing, manufacturing, and estimating to meet regulatory requirements and pass system reviews while still running the business in a way that makes sense and ensures prosperity.
Learn MoreFavorably resolve claims, terminations, and alleged compliance issues without years of wasteful litigation. Furthermore, we can turnkey the resolution process to minimize a client's disruption so that they can manage their business and deliver the same everyday exceptionalism that made them a success.
Learn MoreThis service is an amalgamation of all our expertise bundled in a broad based, multi-faceted, continuous support service designed to raise competency, improve performance, and enhance control consistency across diverse and growing business units in four areas.
Learn MoreCelestial Defense offers a comprehensive assortment of on-site lectures, seminars, conferences, and workshops that are designed to educate attendees about various subjects without causing major disruption to their normal work routines.
Learn MoreProactively assess and harden an organization's cyber defenses and compliance with DFARS rules as well as respond to cyber incidents, potential data breaches, and other kinds of computer and network based security concerns.
Learn MoreCDI's Far Survey provides management with a quick preliminary assessment of problem issues or concerns of management related to regulatory compliance issues, contract changes and equitable adjustment proposals, and convenience or default terminations to name the most common.
Learn MoreCDI's Breach Scan is a highly specialized service that blends the firm's computer forensic expertise with its forensic auditing skills to help management respond to and assess the consequences of network intrusions, data compromises, unauthorized use and mitigation of legal action.
Learn MoreThe Data Security Survey is a high level assessment of an organization's data security policies, procedures and practices for preventing, detecting and responding to breaches, impairments and compromises by both external and internal adversaries as well as compliance with DFARS CUI and CMMC requirements.
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